if (isset($Element['text']))
$markup .= '>';
if (isset($Element['handler']))
$markup .= $this->$Element['handler']($Element['text']);
if (isset($Element['text']))
$markup .= '>';
if (isset($Element['handler']))
$markup .= $this->$Element['handler']($Element['text']);
if (is_string($Element)) # because of Markup
$markup .= $Element;
$markup .= $this->element($Element);
$Elements []= $CurrentBlock['element'];
# ~
$markup = $this->elements($Elements);
# ~
# remove surrounding line breaks
$text = trim($text, "\n");
# split text into lines
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
# iterate through lines to identify blocks
$markup = $this->lines($lines);
# trim line breaks
# ~
function text($text)
$markup = parent::text($text);
# merge consecutive dl elements
self::$parsers['markdown'] = $parser;
// parse for markdown
if (strtolower(Config::get('markdown_parser', 'standard')) === "parsedown") {
$result = self::$parsers['markdown']->text($string);
} else {
$result = self::$parsers['markdown']->transform($string);
public static function transform($content, $content_type=NULL) {
$content_type = Helper::pick($content_type, Config::getContentType());
// render HTML from the given $content_type
switch (strtolower($content_type)) {
case "markdown":
case "md":
$content = Parse::markdown($content);
$parse_order = Config::getParseOrder();
if ($parse_order[0] == 'tags') {
$output = Parse::template($template_data, $data);
$output = self::transform($output, $type);
} else {
$output = self::transform($template_data, $type);
$output = Parse::template($output, $data);
// content file exists
if ($content_file && File::exists($content_file)) {
// make this
$raw_file = substr(File::get($content_file), 3);
$divide = strpos($raw_file, "\n---");
$item_content['content_raw'] = trim(substr($raw_file, $divide + 4));
$item_content['content'] = Content::parse($item_content['content_raw'], $item);
* @return array
public function get($parse_content=true, $supplement=true)
if ($supplement) {
return $this->content;
public static function get($url, $parse_content=true, $supplement=true)
$hash = Debug::markStart('content', 'getting');
$url_hash = Helper::makeHash($url, $parse_content, $supplement);
if (!isset(self::$fetched_content[$url_hash])) {
$content_set = ContentService::getContentByURL($url);
$content = $content_set->get($parse_content, $supplement);
self::$fetched_content[$url_hash] = (isset($content[0])) ? $content[0] : array();
$more = 'Visitor came directly to this page and may have typed the URL incorrectly.';
$aspect = 'visitor';
Log::error("404 - Page not found. " . $more, $aspect, "content");
$data = Content::get(Path::tidy(Config::getSiteRoot() . "/404"));
$template_list = array('404');
$response_code = 404;
//Invoke middleware
foreach ($route->getMiddleware() as $mw) {
call_user_func_array($mw, array($route));
//Invoke callable
call_user_func_array($route->getCallable(), array_values($route->getParams()));
return true;
$dispatched = false;
$matchedRoutes = $this->router->getMatchedRoutes($this->request->getMethod(), $this->request->getResourceUri());
foreach ($matchedRoutes as $route) {
try {
$dispatched = $this->router->dispatch($route);
if ($dispatched) {
//Read flash messaging from previous request if available
//Prepare flash messaging for current request
$env = $this->app->environment();
$env['slim.flash'] = $this;
$req = new \Slim\Http\Request($env);
$method = $req->post($this->settings['key']);
if ($method) {
$env['slim.method_override.original_method'] = $env['REQUEST_METHOD'];
$env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = strtoupper($method);
$app->config('whoops', new Run);
$app->error(array($app->config('whoops'), Run::EXCEPTION_HANDLER));
* Call
public function call()
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$env = $this->app->environment();
set_error_handler(array('\Slim\Slim', 'handleErrors'));
//Apply final outer middleware layers
$this->add(new \Slim\Middleware\PrettyExceptions());
//Invoke middleware and application stack
//Fetch status, header, and body
| All the heavy initialization and configuration happens right here.
| Let's get going!
$app = require_once BASE_PATH . '/_app/start.php';